miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2014


Did you know 

  • Albert Einstein was never a good student, and even spoke well at 9 years old, his parents thought he was mentally retarded? 
  • Napoleon Bonaparte was born only 26 teeth? 
  • Napoleon calculated that the stones used in the construction of the pyramids of Egypt, would be enough to build a huge wall around France? 
  • Napoleon had a phobia of cats, as soon saw one felt sick?
  • Thomas Alva Edison was afraid of the dark, and oddly enough it was he who invented the electric light bulb? 
  • Sigmund Freud was terrified ferns? 
  • Charles VII stopped eating and died of starvation for fear of being poisoned?

miércoles, 22 de octubre de 2014

Did you know that the brain shrinks with age

Yes, over the years our body changes and our brain is no exception. But no panic because it does not really lose much.  Is said to be only 15%, which is reduced from 20 to 80 years. This is because there comes a time when neurons fail to regenerate and repair mechanisms become less effective. Is there a way to stop it?


You can not totally avoid, although it may slow the rate of brain shrinkage. The secret, according to experts, is physically active and between 70 and 80 years.

The good news is that this does not affect the acquired wisdom of older people, as though his brain is not 100% still have much to teach us, do not you think?

martes, 14 de octubre de 2014


Did you know it took four years to renovate our hair?

Is your hair to the point that you feel that you stay bald falls? Do not get ahead ... as Professor of Dermatology at the University of Barcelona and member of the Spanish Academy of Dermatology (AEDV), Ramon Grimalt, only the evidence that comes a new one.

In fact, the hairs already fallen died three months ago. He explains that for every 100 hairs from 12 to 15 are in flux. All change takes place in about four years.

Obviously, fall randomly and uniformly, which does not allow plaques to form. According to experts, die in the spring and fall, as if they were leaves, fall on our heads. 

And since it is a natural process that occurs whenever there is nothing to do to fight against it. Rtve says, it is a myth that there are lotions and shampoo against falling. 

What do you think of this?

jueves, 9 de octubre de 2014


Did you know that benefits us to be curious?

They say curiosity killed the cat, luckily we are human and may be convenirnos the curious. And the expectation can maximize the ability of our brain to put in a state of almost total learning and retention. 

This according to a study led by Matthias Gruber, a researcher at the University of California, who says that when we invade our mind absorbs curiosity what interests us and all the data surrounding the subject of our interest. 

The active curiosity reward system of the brain and dopamine, it drives us to achieve goals is secreted. Besides the hippocampus, which helps the formation of memory, are more active when show interest. 
The study showed that once our curiosity is aroused not only learn but retain the information better shape. 

That is the explanation that easily learn what arouses interest us, what do you think?

jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014


Looking for a fun way to get and stay healthy?

Try singing on a regular basis.

But not any old singing will do. The kind of singing that will provide you with significant health benefits has to come from deep inside your chest, even from your abdomen.

If you want to start singing for health and have some fun with it, I highly recommend that you learn how to sing in harmony with another person or group of people. Singing in harmony with others is easily one of my favorite things to do.

If you want to learn how to sing in harmony with others but don't know how, you can do what I did and learn with tapes or CDs. Back in 1997, I had to drive from northern California to Toronto. For five straight days, I did nothing but drive for eleven hours a day while listening to and singing along with some tapes by a lady named Cathy Fink and some of her friends.

I loved that her tapes were recorded in such a way that I could listen to and sing along with different parts of songs by turning the balance dial on my car stereo one way or the other. When I turned it all the way to the left, I could hear the lower pitched version of the song, and when I turned it all the way to the right, I could hear the higher pitched version of the song - what a brilliant and simple way to learn how to sing in harmony!

And another note: I'll use this post on singing for health to shamelessly plug one of my favorite songs, one that includes some harmony. :) Below is a video of Jason Mraz and his drummer/co-singer performing "I'm Yours" for a Korean audience. This performance was actually held before the song was released in an album.

jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2014

             Did you know that being cynical can hurt your heart

According to a study in the United States, these psychosocial factors may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.Distrust and cynicism, the researchers say, are related to inflammation, and this in turn increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

They also found that chronic stress and depression are associated with higher levels of inflammatory markers in the blood.

It is known that emotional factors impact on the heart because the discharge of substances such as adrenaline generate arrhythmia and hypertension, "says Dr. Laham. "And this causes the arteries to become more rigid and thick," says the expert. 

"It has been shown that emotions such as anger, depression and anxiety cause dysfunction in coronary activity, but cynicism is more subjective than those other emotions," he says. "I think cynicism is another feature which is developed from other factors that have an impact on heart disease," says Mirta Laham.

miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2014

             ¿Did you know that eating too much red meat can develop Alzheimer? 

Eating lots of red meat may increase the risk of Alzheimer's, Professor George Bartzokis, UCLA in the United States, said the disease is caused by one of two proteins, called tau, the other beta-amyloid.These amyloid plaques, in turn destroy more and more myelin, disrupting the signal from the brain and leads to cell death and the classics of Alzheimer disease clinical signs, so it is necessary to reduce the consumption of red meat.

As we age, these proteins can disrupt the signal between neurons or simply kill them.

MRI technology used in this study, revealed that the increase in iron is produced along with the damage tejidos.Por Thus the results suggest that the accumulation of iron in fact may contribute to the cause of the disease Alzheimer

you think this????

jueves, 4 de septiembre de 2014

  Did you know that your scent can reveal if you have any disease?

Sounds funny, but the smell of our breath, sweat or urine can reveal if we suffer any disease. So tell me and I'll tell you smell that suffer.
Diabetes for example produces a breath like nail polish remover. Though if raw fish smells more you could have liver failure. What other diseases can be detected?

A bladder infection: ammonia smell.
Rubella: freshly plucked feathers.
Schizophrenia: smells like vinegar.
Typhoid: freshly baked bread.
Yellow fever carnage.
Scrofula (an infection of the lymph nodes): stale beer

Dr. George Preti at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia, is now collaborating with the Center Penn Vet Working Dog in an attempt to teach dogs to sniff out ovarian cancer.

What do you think of this?

domingo, 31 de agosto de 2014


        management of human talent is my future career because 

I  want study human talent because is my career to future Regardless of the nature his organization, want  identify the most important roles in the company and then recruit, orient, train and organize people to effectively perform those roles in the work.

“What is it like to work in HR?” Well, the answer to that question can vary greatly by HR professional and organization.

Human Resources (HR) can include a broad spectrum of specialties within organizations. Some examples of specialties include recruiting, payroll, policy, safety, training and development, and performance management. In smaller organizations, the HR professional may handle all of those specialties and in larger organizations, each specialty is most likely its own department.

but that  it is human talent

Talent is the planning, organization, development and coordination, as well as control technology that can promote efficient staff performance, while the medium that allows people who work in it achieve individual objectives related directly or indirectly to the work.

after finishing this technologist  continue with psychology  to be a great professional.

domingo, 24 de agosto de 2014


                 Men Walk Slower When They’re In Love

When men are walking with the woman they love, they slow down their pace.
In general, men tend to walk faster than women. But its true. Thats because walking speed is determined by physical features and using them in a way that minimizes energy expenditure. Mass and lower limb length influence walking speed, and in general, men tend to be higher in both.

In their study, released Wednesday, they found that when walking with women, men significantly slow their pace to their companions’, but only if the woman is their romantic partner. Walking with friends, whether it be friends of the same or opposite sex, did not significantly change pace for anyone, and women only slightly changed their pace when walking with their partner. The authors say this suggests that adjusting stride only happens for romantic partners.

Biologically speaking, the researchers say it makes sense that men are more likely to take on an energetic burden to accommodate their lover. That’s because a woman’s reproductive system is sensitive to energy disturbances, and in hunter-gather societies that sometimes walked long distances, too much energy expenditure could complicate a woman’s ability to conceive. The researchers believe this provides an added layer of information for interpreting fossil footprints of ancient societies.
The study was published in the journal, PLOS ONE.

jueves, 14 de agosto de 2014


13% of people are left handed 

In medieval times, left-handed people could not become knights because it was thought that they were descendants of the devil, it is said. Spiral staircases in castles ran clockwise to allow knights all right handed  to battle intruders effectively.
The word for left in French means gauche and in Latin it means sinister. The Latin word for right is dexter, from which came “dexterous”. Ambidextrous means literally “both right.” 13% of people are left handed, up from 11% a few decades ago. The story that right handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people is a myth.

Animals also are either right handed or left-handed. Polar bears are left handed and so is Kermit the Frog.

International Left-handers Day

International Left-handers Day was first observed on August 13, 1976. In 1992 the Left-Hander’s Day Club launched it as an annual international event.

jueves, 7 de agosto de 2014

¿what is love?

Love is a Choice

Many believe love is a sensation that magically generates.

What love is depends on where you are in relation to it. Secure in it, it can feel as mundane and necessary as air – you exist within it, almost unnoticed. Deprived of it, it can feel like an obsession; all consuming, a physical pain. Love is the driver for all great stories: not just romantic love, but the love of parent for child, for family, for country. It is the point before consummation of it that fascinates: what separates you from love, the obstacles that stand in its way. It is usually at those points that love is everything.

The paradox of love is that it is supremely free yet attaches us with bonds stronger than death. It cannot be bought or sold; there is nothing it cannot face; love is life's greatest blessing.

jueves, 31 de julio de 2014

did you know 

there 5 Ways to Keep Your Brain Sharp

Eat More Vegetables

They're rich in vitamins and nutrients (like E, B6, and folic acid) that protect against brain cell damage. But don't forget that as soon as you pick a tomato off the vine or pull a carrot out of the ground, its nutrient content starts to decline. So the longer it sits on store shelves (or inside your refrigerator), the less good it's doing you. Buy the freshest produce you can, or freeze it at the height of freshness for later use.

Meals packed with produce can help you lower the risk for heart disease, lose weight and add more fiber, nutrients and antioxidants in your diet. If you're finding it difficult to get your daily servings of vegetables, try these seven tips that make eating more vegetables easy.

jueves, 24 de julio de 2014

 Did you know

The Facebook causes increase of weight

The use daily and obsessive of this social net help with the increase of weight because avoids socialize with people nearby and neglect with our image bodily and staff, thanks to this net social the people do not realize of damage that make to body how the following:

1.       Acquire liabilities.
2.       down the yield.
3.       Lost of dream.
4.       increase to come down self esteem.

The scientists denominate to this problem  “ effect for facebook  ”   that  created in the be human. the  habit of  use constant for be including in the society or get friends of a way more rapid. also   characterized for generate the lost of self control and with this the craving constant of enter in this page called facebook.

but this not alone is with facebook also happens with; twitter, whatsApp, viber, yahoo, pinterest, mySpace, hi5 between other.

best creates habits for be healthy.

viernes, 18 de julio de 2014

World Curiosities Did you know that...

laughter is good to hear, as they stimulate the immune system and makes the exercise of the muscles.

reason for laugh 
  1. decreases the stress. 
  2. to help  confront unexpected situations. 
  3. improvement  blood pressure. 
  4. increases the social ability. 
  5. reduces the aggressiveness.
  6. strengthen the system immune. 
  7. the laugh is good for the heart. 
  8. does well to our mind.
  9. laugh help us ease pain.
  10. remove trace of the age.

Who going to think that the laughter help minimize the the stress how also ago that function best the memory in the be human.  Some researchers say that laughter causes the brain to enter a state of meditation.

then only smiles and enjoys the life that is very beautiful and lovely.