miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2014


Did you know 

  • Albert Einstein was never a good student, and even spoke well at 9 years old, his parents thought he was mentally retarded? 
  • Napoleon Bonaparte was born only 26 teeth? 
  • Napoleon calculated that the stones used in the construction of the pyramids of Egypt, would be enough to build a huge wall around France? 
  • Napoleon had a phobia of cats, as soon saw one felt sick?
  • Thomas Alva Edison was afraid of the dark, and oddly enough it was he who invented the electric light bulb? 
  • Sigmund Freud was terrified ferns? 
  • Charles VII stopped eating and died of starvation for fear of being poisoned?

2 comentarios:

  1. That means I still have a chance to be a genius.

  2. not sindy as mentioned in the blog are curiosities of persons important.
    albert ainstain, napoleon and Thomas Alva Edison.
    but why not some day you will be famous.
    Thanks for your comment.
