jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2014

             Did you know that being cynical can hurt your heart

According to a study in the United States, these psychosocial factors may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.Distrust and cynicism, the researchers say, are related to inflammation, and this in turn increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

They also found that chronic stress and depression are associated with higher levels of inflammatory markers in the blood.

It is known that emotional factors impact on the heart because the discharge of substances such as adrenaline generate arrhythmia and hypertension, "says Dr. Laham. "And this causes the arteries to become more rigid and thick," says the expert. 

"It has been shown that emotions such as anger, depression and anxiety cause dysfunction in coronary activity, but cynicism is more subjective than those other emotions," he says. "I think cynicism is another feature which is developed from other factors that have an impact on heart disease," says Mirta Laham.

miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2014

             ¿Did you know that eating too much red meat can develop Alzheimer? 

Eating lots of red meat may increase the risk of Alzheimer's, Professor George Bartzokis, UCLA in the United States, said the disease is caused by one of two proteins, called tau, the other beta-amyloid.These amyloid plaques, in turn destroy more and more myelin, disrupting the signal from the brain and leads to cell death and the classics of Alzheimer disease clinical signs, so it is necessary to reduce the consumption of red meat.

As we age, these proteins can disrupt the signal between neurons or simply kill them.

MRI technology used in this study, revealed that the increase in iron is produced along with the damage tejidos.Por Thus the results suggest that the accumulation of iron in fact may contribute to the cause of the disease Alzheimer

you think this????

jueves, 4 de septiembre de 2014

  Did you know that your scent can reveal if you have any disease?

Sounds funny, but the smell of our breath, sweat or urine can reveal if we suffer any disease. So tell me and I'll tell you smell that suffer.
Diabetes for example produces a breath like nail polish remover. Though if raw fish smells more you could have liver failure. What other diseases can be detected?

A bladder infection: ammonia smell.
Rubella: freshly plucked feathers.
Schizophrenia: smells like vinegar.
Typhoid: freshly baked bread.
Yellow fever carnage.
Scrofula (an infection of the lymph nodes): stale beer

Dr. George Preti at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia, is now collaborating with the Center Penn Vet Working Dog in an attempt to teach dogs to sniff out ovarian cancer.

What do you think of this?